15 HOURS - $555
25 HOURS - $875
35 HOURS - $1155
45 HOURS - $1395

Installment payments available.

À la carte hours available at a cost of $75/hour. Packages offer a significant discount over the cost of à la carte hours. All discounts predicated on making full payment.
IN AUSTIN (in person):

15 HOURS - $999
25 HOURS - $1575
35 HOURS - $2079
45 HOURS - $2511

In-person instruction currently not readily available due to the ongoing COVID-19 disaster.

Installment payments available. Sessions in-person must last a minimum of 2 hours.

Custom packages are available at a significantly increased cost, but include all materials and allow for shorter in-person meetings. Students with accommodated test might wish to inquire about these available options.

At other test prep companies, you're not just paying for private instruction.  You're paying for executive salaries, accountants, and corporate offices.

At ATX LSAT, every dollar goes towards your education, your self-improvement, and increases your chances of getting admitted to the best law schools in the country.

Compare our pricing with that of other test prep companies for a 15 hour tutoring package:

  • ATX LSAT: $555

  • Kaplan Test Prep: $2,599

  • Princeton Review: $2,325 - $4,650

  • Powerscore: $1,825

Invest in yourself, not someone else. Sign up for your free 60 minute consultation today.